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Mark your calendar with the summit dates (December 12 -16, 2019) so that you don't miss any of the amazing presentations!


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Reverse Autoimmune Disease From Fatigued to Fabulous

By: Dr. Keesha Ewers

Going from fatigued to energized is a process. It’s not usually one thing that creates an autoimmune disease, hormone havoc, or cancer. It’s not normally one food or one habit that causes you to gain weight. Likewise, it’s not just one thing that’s going to get you to optimal health. Learn 21 ways to get ahead of your hormones with this eBook from Dr. Keesha!

Retail value of $29.00

Freedom to Forgive Program

By: Dr. Keesha Ewers

This program is about freedom. It’s about living a life free of pain, disease, worry, anxiety, depression, and disease, or what I call mind-traps. Why is a physical disease a mind-trap? Because if you believe you are not free then you are not.

Retail Value of $97.00

The IBS/SIBO Autoimmune Connection with Dr. Mark Pimentel and Shivan Sarna

By: Shivan Sarna

The IBS/SIBO Autoimmune Connection with Dr. Mark Pimentel and Shivan Sarna

  • Learn the difference between IBS and SIBO, and how to get accurately tested for both
  • Intermittent fasting, meal spacing and the Migrating Motor Complex: how they interact with IBS and SIBO
  • What an expert doctor thinks about controversial topics like Elemental Diet, probiotics, & fiber

Retail value of $59.00

Lupus and Autoimmune Recipes to Calm the Fires of Inflammation!

By: Dr. Tiffany Caplan

Why wait to start feeling better?! Here are some amazing tested and true autoimmune friendly recipes that you can start making today. These recipes will help support better health by providing key nutrients and decreasing inflammation. Plus, these recipes aren’t just good for you, they also taste so good no one will know they are actually healthy!

Retail Value of $47.00

Ten Facts about Autoimmune Disorders and the Role of Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity!

By: Dr. Tom O'Bryan

Why wait to start feeling better?! Here are some amazing tested and true autoimmune friendly recipes that you can start making today. These recipes will help support better health by providing key nutrients and decreasing inflammation. Plus, these recipes aren’t just good for you, they also taste so good no one will know they are actually healthy!

Retail Value of $47.00


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